Perfect! We are always keen to partner up with new landlords.
It’s important to us that you can enjoy the benefits of owning a house without the hassle of being a landlord or it costing you a single penny!
We offer contracts from 3-5 years guaranteeing your rent for the entire term. (If rooms are full or not)
Save up to 20% off management fees by choosing us over traditional estate agents.
As the years go by inevitably things break. We fix and cover the costs of any small maintenance issues. Ignorance is bliss.
If the boiler break down, we will have reliable and professional tradespeople on hand to solve these issues quickly with minimum stress to you.
It really is part of our ethos to make your life easy! We strive to give you a total stress free experience, Knowing your property is in safe hands and the rent is coming In each month.
We consider 3 - 5 bedroom properties, in all areas that are in good to excellent condition.
Get in contact for a chat and so we can arrange to view your property.